Chelsea400 - Photograph of People's A.M.E. Church, Chelsea, MA
Feb 20, 2024
"The People’s A.M.E burned to the ground in the 1908 Chelsea fire and at that time, the serving pastor was Reverend W.H Burrell (1905-1909). To this current day, the church has no stable home."
People of African descent, formed the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. It originates from Methodist roots, emphasizing a simple Gospel. "Episcopal" denotes its governing structure. Originating from the Free African Society in 1787 in Philadelphia, it gained independence under Richard Allen in 1794. The church's history includes a rich legacy of autonomy and religious freedom. The church was born in protest against slavery and dehumanization of God’s people.
In Chelsea, MA, the first recorded reverends were Reverend Dr. Cheeks R.M.D.D (1877) and Reverend Dolphin Pernanders Roberts (1877-1879). Around 1877, People's A.M.E. Church formed from a group of 12 small prayers and study groups.
According to the Chelsea Directory of 1906, the church was first organized in 1873 and the church building was erected in 1890, located on 111 Fourth Street. Reverend W.H. Burrell was serving as pastor during the time the Chelsea Directory of 1906 listed the People's A.M.E Church on Fourth Street. Unfortunately the church building was burned down during the “Great Chelsea Fire” in 1908. While the reconstruction of Chelsea was completed by 1911, the church was possibly overlooked, and to this day has no stable home.
Thank you Michelle Mirthes and Stayce for presenting and sharing this photo of People's A.M.E. Church in Chelsea.
The following image above is part of a larger collection of illustrations of Chelsea Churches found in an archived publication. It is believed that perhaps one of these illustrations may have been the People's A.M.E. Church building.
The weekend of April 5, 2024, the People’s A.M.E will be hosting our 147th anniversary with a public discussion on 4/5/24 and then a dinner celebration at the Chelsea Yacht Club on 4/6/24 @ 6pm. Tickets will be available.